This is very helpful if you wish to record instruments into FL Studio or input MIDI data with a keyboard and want to keep it in time. When play is pressed, the metronome will count in time with your project displayed BPM. Left-click the icon in the top-left of your audio sample to access its drop-down menu, then hit Detect Tempo. Method 1 – (Works For Samples Only, Not MIDI Patterns) Step 1 – Sample Detect I always go for the most applicable and easy-to-use option. There are a few different ways to do this, depending on what works best for you.

Sync – Turn this off if you don’t want the tap tempo to alter the playback of what is currently in the playlist.Note: if you play your beat first and then tap, you can hear the sound of it change in real-time. If you hit play now, the project will play your drums/beat at this new tempo.